Synergy4WBO believes in consistently offering people of color and women-owned small business owners opportunities to widen their business skills range. And so, we partner with those who share our vision to equip and empower these small businesses so that they can rise up and thrive.
By being an Event sponsor, you will enable Synergy4WBO to conduct it’s virtual events and educational sessions for our community of people of color and woman-owned small businesses.
Benefits of Being an Event Sponsor
- Invitation to present during the event as keynote/panel/ break-out facilitator.
- Custom program and sponsor ads booklet for event.
- Digital ads promoting the event on all of SYnergy4WBO’s official social media platforms, which will provide more brand awareness to the sponsor.
- Display your name and logo on Synergy4WBO’s website.
- Two discounted tickets to attend Annual Summit & Gala.
- Listing as Event Sponsor in all of our events program booklets and newsletters to help promote your brand.