A passionate problem-solver devoted to creating human-centric solutions, Jennifer Serino embarked on an unexpected entrepreneurial journey in 2011. When faced with the daily challenge of packing healthy lunches for her two school-aged children while juggling the demands of a new baby, Jennifer envisioned a service that could help families like hers simplify their routines. That vision soon evolved into My Hot Lunchbox, a bootstrapped brand she built from the ground up into a profitable business aimed at making parents’ lives easier.
As Founder and Managing Director of My Hot Lunchbox, Jennifer leads a growing team that shares her unwavering commitment to continuous improvement, providing quality products and services, and fostering a positive impact on both customers and communities. Prior to founding My Hot Lunchbox, she honed her entrepreneurial skills working for startups in the video game and cloud software industries.
Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Jennifer moved to Raleigh, North Carolina as a teenager. She earned her bachelor’s degree in industrial design from North Carolina State University’s prestigious College of Design. Today she resides in Apex, North Carolina with her husband and three children. An avid traveler and outdoor enthusiast, she enjoys skiing, hiking and mountain biking with her family.