7 Tips for Telling Your Story and Securing Media Coverage for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, it can be tough to find the time to effectively market your company and share your story. While engaging with customers online and creating content for social media is important, it’s not enough on its own.

Public relations, or the management of how information about your company is communicated and shared with the media and the public, is also crucial. Large successful corporations understand the value of both and use them to their advantage.

Having others speak positively about your products or services, or simply sharing information about your company through coverage in various media outlets, adds essential credibility and can be more valuable than simply promoting your company through ads. However, with the overwhelming number of pitches that members of the media receive, it can be challenging to get their attention.


Here are some tips for telling your story in a way that will catch the media’s eye:

  • Make sure your story is newsworthy: Media outlets are looking for stories that are timely and relevant. Consider how your product or service is unique, or if your company is doing something noteworthy, such as hosting an event or participating in a study.
  • Make sure your story is timely: Develop an editorial calendar with potential story ideas that align with key moments in time, such as holidays or events.
  • Use high-quality photos, visuals, graphics, and videos to accompany your pitches: TV media, in particular, will appreciate visuals that can be included in their coverage. Digital media is also more likely to cover your story if you provide accompanying visuals.
  • Determine the potential reach of your story: Will your information be of interest to a local, regional, national, or global audience? This will help you determine which media outlets to target with your pitches.
  • Create a media list: Don’t waste your time pitching to media outlets that don’t cover your industry. Create a list of specific media contacts, including editors, reporters, writers, bloggers, producers, and bookers, to target with your pitches.
  • Follow up: After sending information to media outlets, it’s important to follow up to ensure they received your pitch and to highlight the value of your story.

Securing media coverage for your small business can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it’s worth the effort. If you don’t have the time to dedicate to these activities, consider hiring a PR professional to help.

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