Partner with Synergy4WBO

Be A Part Of A Growing, Minority, Black, Women of Color and Woman-owned Business Community!​

It is hard to scale your Business alone. But a supportive community and a like-minded tribe of entrepreneurs can inspire you and create opportunities for you to reach greater heights.

Imagine a future where every black, minority, and women-owned small Business is growing at an alarming, unstoppable rate.

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

Margaret J. Wheatley
Why Partners Pledge?
Synergy4WBO, Inc., was 100% dependent on corporate sponsorships. After 2-years of submitting grant applications, we now see the rate at which we can scale and help more businesses depends on the relationships we build with corporate sponsorships. This process is agonizingly slow, even more in the post-COVID era, and many small businesses are left behind. At Synergy4WBO, we must scale faster to help reach a more significant number of black, minority, and women-owned small businesses. Therefore, we are shifting gears and changing our financial structure. We are rolling out a new economic methodology called the Partners Pledge Program. This program allows individuals and businesses to pledge financial support to Synergy4WBO with a monthly (or one-time) tax-exempted donation for several years.
Partners Pledge Levels
How Does It Work?
Just say yes to a level of commitment personally or from your Business. Your financial support will help remove Synergy4WBO  from being 100% dependent on corporate and grant sponsorships, thus allowing us to become a more self-sustaining small Business.
How Is Your Pledge Being Used?
Your Pledge will further the vision and mission of Synergy4WBO, where Black, Minority, and Women-owned small businesses in underserved communities can strengthen their knowledge, improve their marketing, gain access to Capital, and grow beyond their unimaginable potential. Consequently, providing opportunities for these small businesses to be equally profitable, sustainable, and successful compared to their non-minority counterparts. Thus, changing their future! 
What You Can Expect from Being Our Partner
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